CPS and mental health
We are up against it daily with chronic pain. Stress and the pressure of everyday life can send us spiralling into poor mental health. We are prone to depression and crippling negative emotions. Our mental wellbeing is incredibly important to us, who suffer from CPS.
We all have personal struggles that seem to amplify our pain. Stress especially increases our pain levels so it’s imperative that we find a way to manage the pressures of everyday life. And it’s not just the big events that can tip us off balance. The small irritations can cause as much damage over time. In that sense it’s not just the tigers that get us, it’s the bunnies too.
If you have done a pain management course you will probably be aware of meditation and the benefits of mindfulness. I have also got a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder aswell as alcoholism of which I am eight years recovered. In recovery for both of those issues the solution for ongoing wellbeing and growth was meditation.
I got into many various practices that I found on you tube. Most based around Buddhism and eastern religions. The problem was that I wasn't a Bhuddist and my faith was more in line with western beliefs and principles. After a year of searching I stumbled by fate on to non contemplative meditation.
It was a practice unlike anything I had experienced. It was a way to seperate from thoughts and emotions therefore remaining neutral to them. In doing so I could just observe rising anger and fear and step back before it overwhelmed me.
It became a solution to my mental health, even more-so after developing CPS. The pain caused me to fall into frustration and fear. As my life whole life changed because of chronic pain I faced tense emotional struggles. I was already stressed with one year old triplets so to add CPS into the mix and I really felt the weight.
But over time, with daily meditation and being able to be present and free from emotional entanglements. I have shaken the negativity. Through the principles of patience love and tolerance I have managed to stay afloat despite the barriers in my life. My mental health is stable and my pain relatively under control. But more importantly I am dealing with the stress in a positive way. Through conscious awareness.
If you are interested in the free non religious meditation I practice - I will leave the link here.
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